If you are interested in a class and do not see the syllabus below, please contact Dr. Tracy Johns.
FYC 3001 Principles of Family, Youth and Community Sciences 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduces the study and practice of family, youth and community sciences. Presents analytic concepts used in the study of family, youth and community sciences. Emphasizes the vulnerabilities and needs of U.S. children, youth, families and communities, and describes human services that maximize human potential and minimize personal and societal costs. Introduces the roles and skills of the human service professional. (S)
Prerequisite: PSY 2012 or SYG 2000.
Attributes: General Education - Social Science
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FYC3001 Spring 25 (CURRENT)
FYC 3005 Introduction to Personal and Family Financial Planning 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Management of personal and family financial resources throughout the life span. A study of individual and family finances as related to planning, credit, saving, investment, insurance, taxes, housing costs, transportation costs, retirement, and estate planning.
Prerequisite: sophomore standing or higher.
FYC3005 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 3101 Parenting and Family Development3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduces the challenges and changes associated with parenthood. Includes strategies, skills and resources for understanding parenting. Also addresses family types and parenting risks.
Corequisite: FYC 3001
FYC3101 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 3112 Contemporary Family Problems and Interventions3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
The major social and family problems contemporary families face, including poverty, violence and care of dependent elders. Emphasizes family strengths and resiliency as well as social programs that help families withstand and overcome difficulties. Discusses family constructs.
Prerequisite: FYC 3001, SYG 2430 or FYC 3101, and SYG 2000, all with minimum grades of C; FYC majors only.
FYC 3115 Human Services 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
In-depth look at human services that assist children and families, with focus on income support, child protection, adoption and family support programs offered through human services agencies. Emphasizes professional development of helping skills for working directly with children and families.
Prerequisite: (SYG 2000 or PSY 2012)
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FYC3115 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 3201 Foundations of Youth Development 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduces youth development principles utilizing an ecological framework, including major theories relevant to domains of development. Then, major physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes experienced by youth in middle childhood through adolescence are explored. Application of youth development principles in context of family, school and community are also emphasized.
Corequisite: FYC 3001.
FYC 3401 Introduction to Social and Economic Perspectives on the Community 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduces the study of community in American society. Addresses the theoretical underpinnings of the concept of community and explores changes that have affected urban and rural communities. (S)
Corequisite: FYC 3001.
Attributes: General Education - Social Science
FYC 3521 Community Food Systems 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines theory and practice in food and agriculture from a social science perspective within the context of sustainable community food systems.
Prerequisite: junior standing or higher.
FYC 4003 Personal and Family Financial Counseling 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines family economics and resource management issues and impact on the well-being of family across the major transitions of the family life-cycle. The complex process of financial decision-making and the role of the financial counselor are addressed.
Prerequisite: FYC 3005.
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FYC4003 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 4114 Ethical Issues in Family, Youth and Community Sciences 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Ethics and ethical decision-making by professionals working individuals and their families is addressed. Emphasizes ethical issues related to family relationships and family life.
Prerequisite: junior standing or higher.
FYC4114 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 4126 Urban and Rural America in Transition 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Communities in America are being confronted with a number of significant changes. Such shifts are not felt in the same manner across various regions or communities in the U.S. Explore current and emerging issues that have differential consequences for urban and rural areas in this country.
Prerequisite: SYG 2000, FYC 3001 and FYC 3401 with minimum grades of C; FYC majors only.
FYC 4202 Youth and Family Relations 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Youth within the family system. Reviews basic theory and research on youth development and how it is intertwined with family development, family processes and extended family systems. Students also work with youth and their families.
Prerequisite: FYC 3001.
FYC 4212 Contemporary Youth Problems and Solutions3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Youth development and its ecology, emphasizing the challenges and issues facing adolescents/ youth, and the creation of communities that foster positive youth development and resiliency. Includes theoretical, methodological, empirical and practical issues regarding youth development issues and solutions. Also examines the ecology of youth development, focusing on the dynamics of interactions and reciprocal relationships between youth and various systems of the environment.
Prerequisite: (FYC 3001 and FYC 3201 and SYG 2000 with minimum grades of C) and Family, Youth and Community Sciences major.
FYC 4301 Engaging Communities for Decision Making and Action 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Survey citizens and analyze data of scientific, technological, environmental, and societal issues at the community level. Implement and evaluate methodologically correct research that aids in the resolution of issues and improves decision-making skills as they relate to community issues.
FYC 4408 Organizational Leadership for Nonprofits 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines the challenges for nonprofit leaders, incorporating leadership theories as they apply to these organizations. Equips students with the leadership skills needed to lead nonprofit organizations.
Prerequisite: junior standing or higher or instructor permission.
FYC4408 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 4409 Working with Nonprofit Organizations in Community Settings 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Overview of nonprofit organizations, their functions and purpose, how they are organized and operate, and the basic structure of an incorporated nonprofit.
Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
FYC4409 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 4410 Fund Raising for Community Nonprofit Organizations 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Contemporary fundraising practices in the nonprofit sector applied to community organizations.
Prerequisite: FYC 4409.
FYC 4426 Risk Management in Nonprofit Organizations 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Foundation in the theory, principles and techniques associated with risk management. Topics include the nature and purpose of risk management; the general risk management exposures facing nonprofit organizations; and risk financing strategies for nonprofits.
Prerequisite: FYC 4409.
FYC 4427 Non-Governmental Organizations 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Explores the nature, role, operations and impacts of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across the globe. Provides a foundation in understanding NGOs within the geographical, social, political and economic realities under which they operate. Lectures, reading assignments, student presentations and a group project are designed for a better understanding of NGO operations.
Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
FYC 4428 Human Resource Management for Nonprofits 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Presents the various HRM activities such as recruitment, testing, selection, performance management, labor relations, volunteer management, compensation and training, for more effective management. Experiential exercises are used to simulate personnel/HRM tasks and issues that managers face in nonprofit organizations, such as conflict and leadership.
Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
FYC 4503 Methods of Family Life Education 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Educational techniques for family life educators and human science providers who help individuals and families address key issues of development and human relationships at each stage of the life cycle.
FYC 4622 Planning and Evaluating Family, Youth and Community Science Programs 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Basic philosophy, theory and process of planning and evaluating family, youth and community programs.
FYC4622 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 4801 Applied Social Research Methods 4 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Understand and apply the principles of social science research methods. Learn a variety of research methods and have hands-on experience with data collection and analysis.
Prerequisite: FYC 3001 with minimum grade of C or STA 2023.
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FYC4801 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)
FYC 4803 Advanced Social Research Methods 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Design, implement, and interpret social research as part of an advanced team. Collaboratively conduct original social research under faculty supervision and produce a manuscript suitable for submission to a scholarly outlet.
Prerequisite: FYC 4801 and Instructor approval.
FYC 4931 Family, Youth, and Community Sciences Professional Development 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Provides a professional development experience for students in FYCS including: search for employment during their final semesters of undergraduate study and information regarding graduate education and research possibilities. Emphasis is placed on career placement, graduate education, practicum readiness, professional business etiquette and elements for a successful transition to the workforce.
Prerequisite: FYC 3001 and (FYC 3101 or SYG 2430) and FYC 3201 and FYC 3401.
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FYC 4932 Special Topics in Family, Youth, and Community Science 1-3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Special topics in Family, Youth, and Community Science.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
FYC 4941 Practicum in Family, Youth and Community Sciences3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Work experience in a human/community services agency and a professional seminar to discuss student progress, workplace experiences and issues, and critical topics in professional development.
Prerequisite: FYC 3001 and (FYC 3101 or SYG 2430) and FYC 3201 and FYC 3401 and FYC 4622 and FYC 4801 and FYC 4931.
FYC4941 Syllabus Spring 2025 (CURRENT)