FYC 6421 Nonprofit Organizations 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Community nonprofit organizations. Governance, policy and decision making, and planning.
Current Syllabus: FYC6421_13776,13777&13778_Kumaran_Fall2023.pdf
FYC 6425 Risk Management in Nonprofit Organizations 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
A foundation in the concepts, principles and strategies associated with risk management in nonprofit organizations. Topics include the nature and purpose of risk management; the general risk management exposures facing nonprofit organizations; and risk mitigation strategies for nonprofits.
Current Syllabus: FYC6425_13779,13798&29213_Kumaran_Fall2023.pdf
FYC 6207 Adolescent Problematic Behavior 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Ecological model to examine common themes of adolescent development with challenges that lead to problematic behavior.
Current Syllabus: FYC6207_13751_Forthun_Fall2023.pdf
FYC 6234 Theoretical Approaches to Youth Development 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
An in-depth examination and synthesis of historical (macro) and contextual contemporary (micro) theories of youth development, spanning from childhood through emerging adulthood, as they are used to inform research, including applying principles and theories of youth development to community-based settings.
Current Syllabus: FYC6234_13773_Fogarty_Fall_2023.pdf
FYC 6920 Capstone Project 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Students will complete a final project addressing an issue within Family, Youth and Community Sciences, prepare an e-portfolio of academic and professional accomplishments, and deliver a professional presentation. The successful completion of these course assignments satisfies the graduate school requirement for a comprehensive examination for a master’s degree without thesis.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Current Syllabus: FYC6920 Syllabus Spring 2025
FYC 6932 Topics, in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences 1-3 Credits, Max 6 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Critical review of selected topics.
Section 23188: Community-Based Research and Interventions
In this course, students will examine community-based approaches to research, understand, and address the most important issues affecting the health and well-being of families, youth, and communities.
Current Syllabus: FYC 6932 - CBRI _Course Syllabus_ONEAL_08.16.23.pdf
FYC 6933 Seminar in FYCS
Grading Scheme: S/U
Explores current topics, trends, and research findings.
Current Syllabi: